President and CEO|KOJI SITO
Based on carpenter experience, we enter between customers and craftsmen (contractors) from the standpoint of on-site supervision and management at construction companies, how efficiently work is advanced on site, and in meetings with customers, we try to make proposals from the customer’s standpoint and eliminate the anxiety elements of the customer, and think first of all, to create a relationship that can visit anything.
On-site supervision and management are not only work to go out to the site, but how to leave the figures stably about desk work, pursuit of numbers, cost ÷ selling value = profit margin is very important to create a schedule, that is, to proceed with planning, and now it is the basis of all operations.
Koji Saito, a representative who has experienced on-site work such as carpenter and on-site supervisor, has continued to refine his knowledge and sensibilities as a person living in the construction industry. Currently based in Nagoya and Tokyo Gunma, he makes all kinds of proposals related to “stores” and “people’s lifestyles”, mainly “housing”. We are always taking on new challenges, valuing ideas that are not bound by boundaries.